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  • Contracts Details

    Token Contract on Polygon: sBCFF110xaaee79fa6327596b0a1a93d68b5c650107eaf84f

    Vault Contract on Polygon: brex-svBCFF11 (ERC4626)0x83ec0b3cfd831ded92e6e67467705f4c86bf4b1e

    Revenue Distribution Contract on Polygon0x68c1ebebd2411046df766c3c3c44a1e5ad9a201f


Stake sBCFF11 into the vault and get brex-vsBCFF11 and earn the dividends each month without lock liquidity

& price composition

The price of our token is partly underpinned by the BCFF11 real estate fund dividends.

Dividends from BCFF11 are used to repurchase tokens from the market. These are then distributed proportionally to the amount staked in the vault—the same percentage of staked tokens receives an equivalent share of the repurchased tokens.

Any remaining tokens are held in the treasury, available for price adjustments and to incentivize protocol engagement.
Our liquidity pool uniquely combines USDT for stability, with robust cryptocurrencies like ETH and wstETH, enhancing arbitrage across pools. This activity not only generates fees bolstering the token's price floor but also leverages wstETH’s compound interest benefits, optimizing returns and reinforcing economic resilience.

Tether USD

USDT is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, offering high liquidity and stability for arbitrage in volatile markets.

Liquidity Pool

Ethereum (ETH) - Quickswap

ETH powers the Ethereum network, enabling decentralized applications and transactions with high growth potential and volatility.

Liquidity Pool

Ethereum (ETH) - Uniswap

ETH powers the Ethereum network, enabling decentralized applications and transactions with high growth potential and volatility.

Liquidity Pool


wstETH represents staked Ethereum earning about 3% annually in rewards, combining liquidity with passive income potential.

Liquidity Pool


MATIC is the utility token of the Polygon network, enhancing Ethereum's scalability and interoperability. It's widely used for transaction fees and network governance.

Liquidity Pool